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Who I am and who I work with

Floriday Family Photo

I’m a wife, homeschooling mom to four amazing kids, and an animal lover. I’m a former doula as well as a chronic illness warrior who turned my pain into purpose by becoming an Integrative Healing Practitioner. 


I work with clients who are highly driven and want to take back control of their health after trying so many other different approaches with no, or little success. 


My mission is to help them determine what is keeping them stuck and guide them through a truly holistic process of creating a personalized, step-by-step self-healing plan for restoring their physical and emotional well-being and reclaiming their lives by looking into their genetic make up, analyzing blood work, checking hormonal dysfunction as well as cellular dysfunction through organic acid test and DUTCH testing. 


Here’s my story to show you that deep healing IS possible, no matter how far out of balance you’ve fallen.

The perfect storm: from postpartum, emotional stress, not listening to my body's signals

If I was to try and figure out when I really began to notice that my health was not at its best, I would probably go back to the year 2018. I'm confident my body was struggling before this point but it was in 2018 that my body was really trying to communicate with me and I really wasn't listening, I was too busy, with 4 small children at home, a household full of animals to take care of and a husband who had just freshly graduated nursing school. My health was put on the back burner until it really couldn't sit there anymore. 


I was experiencing exhaustion, emotional irregularities, brain fog and pretty extreme digestive issues. 


I had my first experience with a pretty uncomfortable gallstone attack in 2018 that landed me at the ER in a type of pain that had me wishing I was in labour instead. 


I still remember the doctor coming to see me, telling me that this was typical for someone to experience after having kids and that he was going prescribed me some medication to help with the pain.  


This really should have been the wake up call I needed to snap out of the cycle I was in with putting myself last. However, the medication offered me relief so I pressed on with life and allowed the band-aid to do its job! 




Family picture Graduation 2018

For the next at least 4 years this is what I did. I allowed the band-aid to work, I allowed myself to hide behind the excuses and never truly worked towards healing my body because I honestly didn't think it was possible anyways. After being told my a physician what I was experiencing was essentially " Normal for a woman my age with kids so close together" why would I think anything I could do would change anything?

While having digestive trouble was off and on during this time, another health issue that I couldn't quite get a handle on was the weight I was gaining and having no luck losing. It would still be a few years before I would learn this was another way my body was trying to communicate with me that it was suffering from dysfunction and it needed me to pay attention.


 From 2018-2022 I did make small attempts at getting healthy. I would participate in workout programs that would vary from 4-12 weeks in length and range from 30-60 minutes a day, 7 days a week. I also tried different trendy diets like keto, whole 30 ( not for the full 30 days ) weight watchers, some MLM's on the market and calorie deficits as well. I was willing to try anything but nothing was helping. 


I would get so incredibly frustrated when I would be eating healthier, monitoring the calories that I had burned and could never drop the weight after our youngest was born. I was increasingly uncomfortable in my body, and my confidence was almost non-existent.  


Fast forward again to another gallbladder attack that had me back at the hospital in 2021. I was sent for an ultrasound that revealed that my gallbladder was completely PACKED with stones. 



The story continues... some effort was made

River Family Photo 2020

I wish that was enough for me to realize things needed to change.

Having struggled with digestive issues for that long, I had just gotten used to the discomforts I was having and learned that the aching in my shoulder was a warning sign not to overdo it that day. I would make sure to skip the dessert that day or sometimes wouldn't even eat at all because I had gotten used to knowing eventually that pain would pass. I would take long showers while sitting on the floor of my bathtub allowing the hot water of the shower to rain down on my back to alleviate the pain. 


I met my friend Sandie back in 2018 when I was her doula and knew she had great success in helping people to heal their body naturally so I asked her for some advice.  She wrote my up a protocol in 2021 that I sadly was too stubborn to implement long term, and a year and a half later, in September of 2023 I was back in the hospital and that attack was one like I had never had before. 



I was finally ready to LISTEN

After the gallbladder attack I got in September of 2023 I was terrified. The pain I was in had me so scared and I even had  moments that I was worried I was going to pass out. The visions I was having of my kids finding me in the shower unconscious was too much for me to ignore my body anymore. My band-aid wasn't working and I needed to do something. Back to the ER I went while my husband was at work and my mom came to watch the kids while my dad drove me to the hospital. 


 The conversation of seeing a surgeon came up and I came very close to considering it, until I saw the blood work. After I left the hospital I had made a point of eating better and avoiding the high fat foods like I had over the years and was starting to feel the pain subside and lose its intensity. This was a normal feeling I would have and I knew this meant the stone had passed and within a few more days my body would feel "normal" again. So one evening after feeling "better" for about a week I went online to check the blood-work I had been avoiding to look at and saw that my liver was NOT doing ok. Despite feeling "ok" my enzyme levels for my liver were at least 200 points over where they were supposed to be. I messaged Sandie in panic in the middle of the night, scared for my life and that my kids were going to grow up without a mother. Dr google is NO ONE's friend at 2 o'clock in the morning 


With calmness, reassurance and so much patience Sandie resent me the protocol she had made me over a year ago and even took it a step further and ordered all the supplements she knew I needed and had them delivered to my door. 


I started juicing and had fresh juice every morning, I was being faithful with my supplements from the protocol that Sandie had made for me based on my genetics. I started noticing that my body did feel less tired, and seemed to be responding well to being low fat for a longer period of time than I had been used to. ( This was something I was doing since I was understanding how overworked and overburdened my liver was) I started using a castor-oil pack and supported my liver, made sure I was drinking more water and started noticing I was sleeping better. 


This was the first time I had noticed changes in my body in YEARS, which I found so strange because at this point I wasn't counting calories, eating a fad diet, or putting much thinking into losing weight. My focus was on healing my body, supporting my liver and doing what I could to support my gallbladder. At the end of the day my main goal was to save the organ, but if all I was able to do was support the liver better in preparation for surgery, that was fine too. I couldn't believe it, but the weight I had been trying so hard to lose started to fall off. 


Comparing A Year Apart

Still healing but READY

As of today I have been consistent with my protocol and without it being the goal at all, dropped 55 lbs! On a quest that's purpose was to restore function in my digestive track, It has brought to light that so many of my other health issues were from toxic overload and that the weight I couldn't lose, was in fact a symptom to a deeper rooted issue! 


As you see in the comparison pictures not only am I looking healthier, I can tell you I feel so much healthier as well. I feel like I've taken my life back and am eternally grateful for Sandie and the Integrative Healing Academy for helping me piece my life back together. 


After experiencing this success on my own journey, it encouraged and excited me to dive in and learn how the whole body approach and personal protocols work. I love understanding the why, and how, so I enrolled in the Integrative Healing Academy with the excitement to help others achieve their health goals and help to encourage them on their own journey!


Weight Loss Journey
Healing Journey
Before and After Whole-Body-Healing
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